Monday, August 2, 2010

Game for movie nerds

I have invented a game I thought I would share with you all. It's helpful if you know and love movies - if I'm honest only those who know and love movies will actually enjoy it.

It's called "3 Actors." It can be played with 2 or more people and works well in a party setting. How it works is I think of a movie and name three actors that starred in that movie. Everyone else has to name that movie.

How about an example:
Al Pacino
Robert DeNiro
Val Kilmer

Now, name that movie.

If you said "Heat," congratulations! You win and now get to stump your buddies with your own set of three actors.

That example is as easy as it gets. Try this one on for size:
Matthew Broderick
Jeremy Irons
James Earl Jones

Give up? "The Lion King."

What? Animated movies? Isn't that cheating? No. It's not. My game, my rules. Speaking of rules, this game gets very boring if you're allowed to look up either the answers or the actors in question. So no and no Google.

The key here is coming up with three actors. Any movie that has three big time actors has normally done very well at the box office and is pretty easy to guess. A more obscure movie may have two familiar faces, but the third... not so much. Right now, I'm thinking of Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone; now who was the third person in Basic Instinct...? And Basic Instinct isn't obscure at all.

Let me know how you go...

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